What does my poker face mean

What does poker face mean? poker face Definition. Meaning of ... This Slang page is designed to explain what the meaning of poker face is. The slang word / phrase / acronym poker face means... . Online Slang Dictionary. A list of slang words and phrases, idioms, jargon, acronyms, and abbreviations.

How to Have a Good Poker Face. Having a good poker face is harder than you think when tensions are high. It can be very difficult to contain your reaction, whether it's excitement or disappointment. Poker Face Definition Poker - Poker-King.com Definition of Poker Face What does the term "poker face" mean as it applies to the game of poker? What is the definition of the term "poker face"? A "poker face" is a face that betrays zero emotion. When you have your "poker face" on, you are giving your opponents zero information about the hand that you may or may not be holding. What do these symbols mean? | What Does That Mean? a single ^ means: referring to what’s written above, or yeah +1 what they said double ^^ is simply an eyebrow raise which could mean “ohhh reeeeaaalllyyyy” or “eh eh nudge nudge” (like if you are insinuating something clever or that someone has a crush on someone or something), or other… raised eyebrows can have lots of meanings depending on the context… which is partly which I ... What does poker face mean? definition, meaning and ...

"poker face" in English. › an expression on someone's face that does not show what they are thinking or feeling: One of the most difficult things to do in an emotionally charged situation is to maintain a poker face. I can never have a poker face. Anybody looking at me can tell exactly what I'm thinking.

Lady Gaga - Poker Face Lyrics Meaning - Lyric Interpretations Poker Face is about many things. Lady Gaga has been asked many times the meaning of this song and she has given several different answers. First and foremost, it is obvious that lyrically Poker Face is about sex and gambling; or more specifically, sex, with the use of gambling metaphors. On at least one occasion she claimed... What does poker face mean? definition, meaning and • POKER FACE (noun) The noun POKER FACE has 1 sense: 1. a face without any interpretable expression (as that of a good poker player) Familiarity information: POKER FACE …

Poker Face Lyrics: Mum mum mum mah / Mum mum mum mah / Mum mum mum mah / Mum mum mum mah / Mum mum mum mah / I wanna hold 'em like they do in Texas, please / Fold 'em, let 'em hit me, raise it; baby

Lyrics to 'Pokerface' by Lady GaGa: Gambling is fun when you're with me (I love it) Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun And, baby, when it's love, Does A Good Poker Face Matter? - Upswing Poker “So, do you have a good poker face?” When I meet people casually and strike up a conversation about poker, they always ask this question. In my experience this is the leading misconception about the game: whether or not I smile during a hand will not determine if I win or lose. It is truly not a big deal. What Exactly Does the "Mild" in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury ...

"poker face". a completely neutral facial expression which shows no emotion. Synonyms: ambiguous, blank, cool, deadpan, detached, enigmatic, impenetrable, inscrutable, maskYour browser does not support the audio element. A friend is teaching another friend to play the card game of poker ...

Learn How to Play Poker! : Since I'm amazed that a lot of people don't know how to play poker, though I've played since I was like, 10, I figured I'd help y'all learn how to play so you can go to casinos and lose your money. What does wrestling with a tale mean It means someone is trying to understand it. What does horse stand for in poker A book like "The Theory of Poker" by David Sklansky is a great idea, since it does touch most of the game used in the Horse. BBC - Chart Blog: Lady GaGa - 'Poker Face'

How to Make a Good Poker Face? - Live Poker - CardsChat

Poker Face | Definition of Poker Face by Merriam-Webster Poker face definition is - an inscrutable face that reveals no hint of a person's thoughts or feelings; especially : one used stratetically during a poker game.plural poker faces. Definition of poker face. Poker face: what is it? | What does "poker face" mean? Poker face - what does it mean? staright faced. since you have to keep a still face while playing cards.(in poker) An impassive facial expression cultivated to prevent other players from determining whether one's actions in the game are the result of a quality hand, or of bluffing. poker face - idiom meaning? - Vietnam Answer "poker face". a completely neutral facial expression which shows no emotion. Synonyms: ambiguous, blank, cool, deadpan, detached, enigmatic, impenetrable, inscrutable, maskYour browser does not support the audio element. A friend is teaching another friend to play the card game of poker ...

face | Definition of face in English by Oxford Dictionaries Definition of face - the front part of a person's head from the forehead to the chin, or the corresponding part in an animal, the surface of a thing, e Why does Lady Gaga always say gaga in her songs